GPS Should Be Redirected Towards Transport For All

A coalition of public transport and climate organisations, united as ‘Transport for All’, is actively opposing the government’s transport proposals.

3/26/20241 min read

person biking on red concrete road during daytime
person biking on red concrete road during daytime

The draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) includes plans for higher fares for public transport, increased freight on roads, and less walking and cycling initiatives.

Campaign advocate and Climate Club Co-Founder, Jenny Sahng, says “the government’s plan for land transport focuses spending on roads, leaving out public transport, cyclists, pedestrians, and our rail network.”

“The Coalition’s transport plans will lead to worse traffic congestion and higher costs for public transport users and motorists. Taking heavy vehicles off rail and onto the roads will also mean more road damage. We might as well stuff cash into potholes.”

Also concerning is the removal of carbon emissions reduction as a priority for government transport policy.

“Transport is our second largest source of emissions. By continuing to invest in public transport, we ease congestion, cost of living, and pollution - so why are we going in the opposite direction?” says Jenny Sahng.

“Many New Zealanders don’t have any affordable, reliable options for getting around. Petrol prices are high, rural roads are damaged, bus and train networks are underfunded, and congestion is terrible. The government’s proposal takes away other options, forcing everyone onto roads. This makes it all worse. As a result, NZ is one of the most car-dependent countries in the world. We want healthier, happier, more liveable cities for everyone, including people who need to drive.”

Transport for All is encouraging people to have their say on proposed changes before 2 April.