Recent Comments
"NZ desperately needs integrated transport options, such as rail, active modes, public transport, the whole suite - not just roads! Kiwi's deserve better." Auckland
"The woeful state of Public Transport in New Zealand is shameful. Most third world countries have better more reliable Public Transport. This is a cross-party political failure." Blenheim
Availability of reasonably-priced transport is as vital for everyone's welfare, as is access to potable water. It is the life blood of every community, allowing connection between areas, towns, neighbourhood and whanau. Access is really essential for the country's sense of wellbeing, and all people to thrive as integrated communities." Timaru
"As a student I can’t afford to own a car. I rely heavily on the public transport in Wellington. I want to see more buses where I’m not crammed in like a sardine. I want to see more train access and less lanes on the motorway. It’s better for the environment and for our society as a whole!" Wellington
"Public transport is the only way I'm able to get around the city as a disabled person who cannot drive, yet still has to work for a wage that barely allows me to fund transportation to said job. Bus fares need to be cheaper. As they are accessed by thousands of disabled people, and even more abled people, daily. " Auckland
"Reducing funding for transport alternatives to cars like trains, walking and cycling is an ill-conceived approach to building a balanced transport system. The existing infrastructure is already heavily geared towards motor cars at the expense of the others. A sensible approach would be to design it to handle all forms of transport. Forcing everyone onto the roads creates more congestion." Hamilton