Critical Petition Urges Transport Rethink

An urgent petition calling for a rethink of Government transport plans has gained more than 3000 signatures.

3/28/20241 min read

a black and white photo of the top of a building
a black and white photo of the top of a building

The draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) will lead to higher fares for public transport, reduced rail and bus services, increased freight on roads, and scarce walking and cycling initiatives.

Carbon emissions reduction has also been removed as a priority for government transport policy.

Campaign advocate, and Executive Director of All Aboard, Magalie Ménard, says “the government talks about economic growth, safety, resilience, and value-for-money, yet the draft GPS will achieve the complete opposite. The prospect of higher fares and fewer transport options will strangle economic productivity. Moving freight from rail to roads will make our roads less safe, less resilient and more expensive to maintain.”

“Immediate action to turn this draft policy around will safeguard our climate, society, health and economy” says Ménard.

The petition was started by Transport for All, a coalition of public transport and climate organisations actively opposing the government’s transport proposals.

Transport for All is encouraging people to have their say on proposed changes before 2 April 2024 through two simple actions:

Transport for All includes:

  • All Aboard

  • Climate Club

  • Free Fares

  • Public Transport Forum New Zealand

  • The Future Is Rail (Save Our Trains)